Thursday, December 11, 2008

Chicken Lips Sneak Peek

Seems I've been making Santas for years now - it was high time I pay homage to the woman behind the man. Here's my latest creation...Mrs. Claus! She is a Paperclay and wood creation. She proudly beams as she offers forth her latest goody from the oven! Mrs. Claus will debut on SpookyTime Jingles on the 13th. You will be able to purchase this Chicken Lips original by following this link.


  1. She's Awesome David!..Love that Grin!

  2. There's something about that grin... don't know if I'd eat that cookie or not.. something sneaky about the twinkle in her eye... fun! ~PJ

  3. Wow..she is soooo good David!! I love the plate & cookie touch! Oh and that grin on her is too funny!

  4. Mr. David...gave you a little blog award for all of your hard work!!

  5. TOO CUTE! :-)

    Have a great weekend.

    SpOOky CK

  6. Yes! It's about time Mrs C got her props and a super cute homage it is! Look forward to seeing more on STJ. Happy Holidays!

  7. GREAT new STJ update and on my FAVE day!!!

    SpOOky Cheers!

    SpOOky CK

  8. David, found you on Dani's Blog! You are just way COOL! Love the Teeth and HUGE Smiles...Love it!

  9. Oh she's just awsome!! I hope she has good dental insurance..ya know what all those sweetys can do!!
    Happy Holiday hauntings, Gail

  10. I love your work! The big grins are so perfect!

    Found my way over through Gail L., A wonderfully dark lady!

    Lisa Gatz
    Blog Team Member
    That Creative Place

  11. I'm going to have to see your 2009 schedule and see if I can't make one of the shows since I live in CA (I'm assuming that's where you're based out of)

    I just love the figures! I started sculpting in paperclay after being immersed in stoneware sculpture and pottery. I do a lot of polymer but my dolls are all paperclay.


    Lisa Gatz
    Blog Team Member
    That Creative Place


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