Monday, December 29, 2008

Look What Santa Brought Me!

I guess I was a good boy this year, 'cause look at what Santa brought me! Okay, maybe it wasn't was my friend Christopher Klingler! I received some thoughtful and meaningful gifts this year, but this one tops them all! Chris sent me an original postcard illustration from his amazing Hallomas series! This gift really touched my heart. Chris is an absolutely amazing illustrator, and to own a piece of his art is truly something special. If you are not familiar with his art, visit his amazing and eclectic blog today at Thank you Chris for making my Christmas so special!


  1. WOW ~ I was SO surprised to see this nice post!

    David ~ You are just such a talented & warm hearted person. I am tickled you are tickled!!!

    Hoping 2009 will be a GREAT year for BOTH of us!!!

    Enjoy my friend.

    Happy ~ Happy New Years!!!

    SpOOky Best,
    Chris :-D)

  2. Ohhhhhhhh Lucky You!!! What an AWESOME Gift! :)Way Cool !

  3. David I agree with you completely about Chris and his wonderful work!! He is the first to greet a new posting on my blog and I find him to be inspiring and just a really funny guy...his blog is a hoot!!!

    Lucky you, the piece is wonderful!!


  4. Chris IS amazing! So much time goes into each of his pieces. Love all the detail. Lucky you!

  5. Hi David!

    You are the best and thanks for ALL your support & friendship in 2008!

    Hoping 2009 will be a great year for BOTH of us!!!

    Happy New Years!!!


  6. David, love your workJust love the big teeth, I did atc card swap with Chris for Halloween love his card.

  7. I have just bestowed the Fabulous Blog award to you!!! Thrilled?!!

    You can come give it a look when you have time if you want to play.

  8. I did see this and thought it was amazing.


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