Saturday, February 7, 2009

I'm Back!

I feel so neglectful that I haven't posted in the last two weeks, but I've been on a two week vacation at Disney World. It's very tough coming back home after spending that much time in the kingdom of the Mouse - coming back, the reality of the real world is like a slap in the face. But, at the same time, it's great to be home and not have to constantly dodge screaming kids in strollers!

Before I left, I posted a WIP of the dog I'm working on. I got such a great response from everyone (THANKS!) that I decided to show his progress. Before I left on vacation, I put some oil paint details on him. Not sure they really translate in the photo, but they definitely give him more dimension. I started working with oil paints over acrylics this year as an experiment. I love how the oil paints blend, and their slow drying time gives me lots of working time. I'm going to keep up this technique for a while and see where it leads me!

In the meantime, I've got a great idea for a mouse...have NO idea where THAT came from ;)


  1. He is much like my dog who also has a collection of bones. He is lookin good.

  2. Looks Wonderful David! Glad ya had a good time :)...Hummmm...Mickey must have been a good influence..LOL

  3. Welcome back! I know it is hard to come back from the happiest place on earth!

  4. OMG welcome back David!! pup looks great so far...can't wait to see him all finished. I love mice, looking forward to that too...hmm... mouseland has a way of inspiring!!
    hugs, robin

  5. He's great! Can't wait to see him finished.
    Welcome back.

  6. ~*~*~WELCOME BACK!!!~*~*~

    Glad you were able to visit Mickey and take a much deserved R&R break.

    The new WIP in progress is SO cute. Aren't oils great over acrylics! Looking forward to seeing more of the technique on your new goodies.

    PS: Thanks for your email too! '-)

    Chris (-:

  7. Love the changes on your website!! Robert

  8. Hi Mr. Lips. Thats going to be one cool dog!!

  9. Hi David! Hadta laugh, re: screaming stroller kids! That might be a funny sculpted piece! LOL
    Hope you're all rested up now. I'll be popping in to see what you're up to!


  10. Oil paints over paper clay, now that sounds very interesting. How about the drying time? But being able to do more blending, shading, would be worth it. Can't wait to see more of him. Love those bones... ~PJ


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