Monday, July 13, 2009

Busy Busy Busy!

Seems like the closer we get to Fall, the faster I work! My productivity really kicks into overdrive when I think about the two big Fall shows coming up that I will be participating in. I suspect it's that "Fight or Flight" thing. Despite the scorching heat, I've managed to get about 20 pieces built in the last week. Actually, I think the heat is helping to dry the clay faster. My walk-in Kiln I built is really working well with this weather. Honestly, when I walk in, the heat and the dehumidifier are working so well together that I almost can't even blink....there is NO moisture to be found! Bad for the eyes, good for the clay!

I'm trying to finish up as many Halloween pieces as I can before I really jump into the Christmas spirit - and considering it's 101˚ in the shade, It's kinda hard to think of Jolly old saint nick when the sweat is rolling down your back."Visions of sugar plums" turns more into "visions of Mojitos!" Anything to beat the heat and keep the creativity flowing.

Despite the weather, I've got lots of ideas for new pieces! I'm really into making owls right now! My friend Robert (Halloween Fanatic) created a monster when he challenged me to design an Owl. Now I can't stop making them!

I've also got plans for stacked pumpkins, devils, Halloween kitties, and so much more!

Now, excuse me while I get back to getting the, I mean creativity flowing.


  1. Now the only problem is do I want the container (not pictures-shamie shamie), or that adorable little owl...hmmm....

  2. My, my have you been a busy boy! Good for you. I can appreciate the heat factor, that's what it's like down here 6 months out of the year. Great pieces you got going as always.

  3. I love to see them en masse David. Really awesome!! Keep 'em coming!

  4. Oh my... you have been busy... and just think you may not have sugar plums dancing in your head but you do have pumpkins. Everything as always looks fantastic. I love the stacked pumpkins and the owls...okay... okay I love all of it LOL. Keep drinking those Mojitos. :)

    DAvid you are always busy : )

    I always love to see your WIPS!

  6. soooooooooooo busy!!!!!!!!,
    great work coming out!!!!!


  7. love the owls and lil devils.....can't wait to see you at the fall show.....can you send me some of your energy pleeeeeeeeeeeese.

  8. Looks like you're in your happy place!

  9. Wow amaze me, and in the heat yet!!!! Glad to hear your clay baker is working!!!

  10. Oh my gosh - this is wonderful! I can't believe how productive you are. Can't wait til these guys all get some color!

  11. Hola!!!!!!!!!me dedico a las miniaturas en sculpey, te pido permiso para copiar algunas de tus piezas en 1/12, me han encantado, eres un artista.besitos desde EspaƱa ascension

  12. Love, love, LOVE the owls!!

    Isn't it just the best when the ideas are spinning faster than you can execute them?! This is most definitely the time of year for it!

    Happy creating!!
    ~ Carolee

  13. I am so bad David....I just put two and two together and realized you are "Chicken Lips"...I think it's my age! I have loved your work forever! Sometime when I have a moment I will fill you in about my singing ghost Mary and the story behind her. I live in an old (106 year old) country store in the Blue Ridge Mountains and she is the spirit of an old Healer that lived over a 100 years ago. So glad I found your blog. You are now on my fav list...Pam

  14. Hope you are having a nice weekend David.

    AND I completed a new Halloween art piece today! '-)

    Chris (-:


I always appreciate your comments!