Monday, December 7, 2009

Harvest Festival a SUCCESS!!!!!

Despite the lackluster economy, the Harvest Festival was a HUGE success for me! In fact, I had the best sales of ANY show I've ever worked! I'm still coming down off the excitement and high!

I can't even begin to tell you what a thrill it was to receive such wonderful praise and compliments for those who stopped by my booth! The comment I most often heard was... "your work just makes me smile!" As an artist, a comment like that is true validation. It is important for me to know that my art is connecting with an audience. Online sales are wonderful and are a great indicator that I'm doing something right, but there is nothing like seeing firsthand the reaction that my art evokes.

I'm so happy to be able to share my vision through my creations and am so thankful for the wonderful friends and collectors that keep coming back for more.

Thanks to all of you!!!


  1. I'm gettin' all kindsa verklempt. I'm SO proud of you!!! xoxo

  2. That is great! Kudos to you! Did you do 3 days? How much stock did you bring?

  3. Congratulations!! Very well deserved!!

  4. It's because your work is so fabulous, David! :) Congrats on the good sales! HO HO HO!!!! :) Pam

  5. That is WONDERFUL news!!! Your art does make everyone SMILE!!!! Have a wonderful Holiday!!
    Bugs & hisses

  6. Excellent news! Your booth looks fantastic...I am sure the Harvest festival did not provide all that stunning striped satin and matching vest. You have been a very busy boy!

  7. Great work David, it all looks wonderful, and congrats on your success.

  8. Congratulations on a great show. Even with a bad economy, people still appreciate gifted artists.


  9. Wonderful David! Look at your booth such fanastic eye candy! :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Congratulations David! I just love your work and I'm thrilled for you, you deserve it! Honestly how could anyone see your work and not smile?

    The set up is very well done and you fit the part in your attire. Congrats again on a successful show!

  12. That is so awesome David! Congrats. I think that with the economy the way it is people are just buying more quality items than quantity, and your work is QUALITY. Cheers to you,
    Tracy M.

  13. Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the kind words and encouragement!

  14. Now that is Chicken Lips heaven! Congrats to you David. Your booth looks so very festive.

  15. Glad it was a BIG success David! You surely deserve it buddy!

    CK (-:

  16. Congratulations David, I'm glad you did so well. I love that vest, you almost look disembodied with the rest of those stripes around you!

  17. How wonderful! Well look at all that hard work you did! My gosh - for sure that's going to pay off - and that is so awesome! You're pieces are wonderful - but en masse like that - irrisistable and they make me smile too! Yay for you David!


I always appreciate your comments!