Thursday, March 11, 2010

The End of Spring

Okay, I know Spring hasn't even officially begun, but for me it's over. By that, I mean that I'm finished with my Spring-themed creations for this year. It's time to get busy on Halloween! My bunnies have been a BIG hit this year (thank you to all who purchased them). So to say farewell to the season, I have two final furry friends that are looking for good homes. These will most likely be the last bunnies I make this year, so get them fast before they're gone!
Both of these fellows are available exclusively on my ETSY shop. Hop on over and take a look at these and other creations I have available.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. The rabbit standing on the round base is my favourite. I also went to your etsy store, the crow and sheep is great.

  2. Aw Spring is over!!! Didn't it just start David???

    I love your Halloween art and of course you are so good at that!!!

    I love your bunnies...

  3. Love those ultra permed whiskers and industrial sized carrots! Fun!
    - Deb

  4. My heavens David your work continues to amaze me! Can't wait to see the ducks and goose finished.
    Warmest hugs,
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  5. Love those wabbits! Can't wait to see what Halloween critters you come up with! :) Happy weekend!

  6. The fun never stops with these crazy creations such imgination & such great skilled hands.

  7. complimenti per i tuoi lavori sono molto belli e originali... saluti dall'italia


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