Monday, December 13, 2010

Chicken Lips on Spookytime Jingles

Wow! Has it really been a month since my last post?! I've been so busy with my Christmas shows and getting ready for the holidays myself that I find it tough to get everything done that needs to be done!

Thankfully, I managed to get two new characters finished just in time for the December update of Spookytime Jingles . Say hello to Jingles the Snow Angel and Petey the Party Pumpkin. Okay, so Petey is not really a new character, but a new version - standing atop a wooden block with vintage Halloween scenes decoupaged on the sides.

Both creations are looking for a good home. Stop on by Spookytime Jingles and take a look to see more photos of each.


  1. Seems time has been short for both of us David. Just stopped by to wish you a wonderful and festive Christmas...will pop back for a good browse before New Year.
    Warmest Hugs,
    Sandi @ Ess D'Ess Bears and Bearly Sane Studio

  2. Both are great David!

    Wishing you a very happy holiday season!

    Chris >:-)

  3. Hi David,

    Sorry I haven't been by in a while. I've been pretty busy, too. It seems there isn't a direction you could take that is wrong. You are so talented and I know that whatever your mind comes up with is an instant hit. I really admire your creativity and ability to bring it to life, so to speak. I look forward to seeing whatever you create, and knowing about you helps make me a better crafter, as I only follow the best!!!!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may all your dreams come true.


  4. David love the upgrade to the studio. Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of color.\



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