Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday WIPs - Dem Bones, Dem Bones


Now that I'm back in the swing of "all things Halloween," I'm really focusing on skeletons...and lots of them!  These boney fellows look a little bizarre without their bottom jaws. I always sculpt the jaw separately and attach it at the end - that way I can position it just the way I want to give them lots of personality.
I'm working on big skeletons, little skeletons, skinny skeletons and full-figured ones. A couple of these will make their way to ESC Trading Co. as part of my 2012 Halloween submissions.


  1. The Skele jaws look like little Elephant feet! :-) Fun.
    ~ Deb

  2. Look at dem bones!
    I thought they were feet...then thought.. wait they don't have feet. Those are jaws!
    Good job!

  3. Hi David,

    Are your jaws free-moving? How cool would that be if they moved....


  4. For me its those hands attached to those skinny arms! Diggin' them like dandeions in a graveyard!

  5. Thanks everyone!

    @ Meri - no, I don't make the jaws moveable, but that actually sounds like an interesting idea!

  6. I have to say David you are one of my most favorite artists!!!! and these are part of the reason! Love them all esp. the tiny ones...
    XXX Pattee

  7. Wow just loving those teeth. Hope they don't bite. They are totally awesome. Love your work.

  8. It's amazing to see how much creativity. Your pieces are wonderful. Thanks for sharing these pictures.

  9. Do they really need a bottom jaw? They look cool as is. In zombie fights the jaw is the first to go lol.


I always appreciate your comments!