Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chicken Lips in Art Doll Quartely

If you are a doll maker or just love a quality, creative magazine, then no doubt you are familiar with Art Doll Quarterly. This wonderful publication is packed full of amazing art dolls and creations, inspirational stories and stunning photography. I've been a faithful reader for the last 5 years.
So it is with much excitment that I announce my appearence in the the Fall issue of ADQ! I have been honored with the coveted "Artist Profile" section. An 8-page spread of my work and studio plus an amazing article by the super-talented Ricë Freeman-Zachery - I feel like I'm on top of the world!

Thank you to the wonderful staff at ADQ and Ricë for making me look so good!

Art Doll Quarterly is available at most Barnes and Nobles, or can be purchased online at


  1. Looks like a wonderful spread & well deserved! Congrats to you David :)

    ~ Johanna

  2. A great big congratulations!!
    I can't wait to get my copy! :)

  3. Congratulations and well deserved too.
    Your work is truly inspirational.
    XXX Rita.

  4. Congrats David! I really do need to get a copy! :) Becca

  5. Congrats, David! You are uber awesome! :)) xox Pam

  6. Congrats David! We are so happy for you!


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