I'm so sorry that I've been neglectful of my blog this week. Seems there just aren't enough hours in the day to take on everything that needs to be done. As you can see, I've been working my tail off getting ready for my next show in 3 weeks (YIPES!). The paperclay has been flying fast and furious. Problem is, it just doesn't seem to be drying quick enough. I have to have all the clay pieces built in the next week so that there is time for it to dry...and I still need to sand, gesso, paint, seal, stain, detail and seal again (okay, now I am stressing out :O)

Really focusing on the Halloween pieces for this upcoming show in Montrose. Traditionally, the show doesn't do well with Halloween collectors, but I'm hoping my new pieces will get them into the spirit (Halloween "spirit"...get it?...LOL).

OMG, I love WIPS!!! It's a Chicken Lip's factory, a one man sweat shop. They even have personality before they are finished!
I do have a question, how do you handle the noise? When I have a lot of pieces going at one time it really gets loud. You know, all of them talking at one time! Bwahahaha!
Great job!!!
Talking about STRESS! That's tables of pure stress.... don't forget about the dehumidifer I was talking about. You won't be able to blink in the same room with it, but it works great on PaperClay.... Love that sheep, even if it's not painted. The personality you put in them shines thru! xo PJ
WOW ~ You have been BuSy!!!
Hope this note finds you well & enjoy your weekend.
Chris (-:
HOLY COW, David!!!!! THAT is so much work. I can definitely appreciate how many hours you have already put in and how many are left! You are nooooo slacker :)! They all look incredible already. I just wish i could come see them in person at your show. I truly adore seeing your work.
Thanks for your sweet message about Gus. You need to teach him how to sculpt and paint.
Woofs to you both,
Funny, I just wrote a blog regarding all the things I'm behind. Well..., maybe it wasn't ALL of them but it was enough so I totally understand your stress! :o)
Great WIPs though!
wow DAvid, Amazing!! I wana see it all finished!!! GOOD LUCK you will get it all done and it will sell like wild fire!
OMGosh! I love the 1st pic with the bat bow tie! And that sheep!!! OMG!!! I will have to order one of those one day!!! Too adorable!
OMG David..LOL
You werent kidding when you said you've been busy! Everything looks Great..(as Usual)
I love it...absolutely fascinating to see! I can feel your stress from here. "May the force be with you!"
I'm sure all your wonderful fun Halloween goddies will get them in the Halloween mood!!!
Keep us posted on the show!
Bugs & hisses
Looking through the sea of white and loving it!!
Wow, you put me to shame. I just finished a batch and was loligagging along and then I see your output. Oh the shame!. By the way I dry my pieces VERY Carefully in my gas oven by the pilot light heat. I put them in and turn on the oven first at 250f for 2 to 3 minutes no longer! then off. Check them every hour to see where they are, and carefully repeat again. But watch it, those Styrofoam forms love to expand if the heats on too high or too long. Keep up the good work.
Impressive cache of work Chicken Man!
OMG, how do you do it?? What's your secret other than getting up at O-Dawn 30, not eating, sleeping, bathing, etc., etc.!!!!!!
Out here in the desert Southwest, my paper clay is drying too fast...have to let my creeters dry slowly or it's crackville!!
Anyway, love your work and those smiley teeth...adorable.
With that many WIPS on your table your forgiven for not posting on your blog... but I do have to say I've missed you: )
It looks like a maniac hit your studio flying a million miles an hour!!!
It will all go as planned and everything will get done...
David, why do I feel like I'm not working hard enough... every time I visit you?
Good luck with drying time and the show!
David, Holy Crow Man..we so forgive you! Do you have little elves in there helping you at night? LOL Best of luck at the show and can't wait to see them completed. Get the hair dryer out and blast them with some hot air! hehehehe I will lite my big white candle for you...I know you get everything done. Just have a bottle of wine and breath! LOL
WOW, David! You are a busy little bee! Best of luck at your show in Montrose - they will love you.
Keep breathing, and keep hydrated. LOL!
paperclay? what is that? whatever it is you sure know how to make magic with it. good luck in montrose. i love halloween stuff. i'll look you up on Etsy.
Everything looks wonderful David... that's right spread the Halloween cheer and don't get to stressed. Everything looks fantastic!!! :)
PRODUCTIVITY!!! That's what I see! My work table has nothing on it but paint, glue, brushes, hair spray, etc. Tools, NO products!
I love Montrose...so quaint.
Stop whining and get busy! hehehe
Lol Linda! She's hearing voices again!
Oh wow David! You are one busy fella! And look at the detail! I can see that you are going to be a huge success. :-)Sheryl
OMG - just amazing!! Do you sleep??
I'm suddenly feeling very lazy, haha...
~ Carolee
OMG is right...David, how do you do it?!!!! I work outrageous hours and I don't ever get this much produced as fast as you did!!!
My nine ornies I covered today and 1 face I built seems like a pretty puny effort right now!!!
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