You might remember a few months back, I was belly aching that my clay simply wasn't drying fast enough. Fellow artist P.J (see her blog here) told me to use a dehumidifier to pull the moisture out fast. I thought it sounded like a great idea and finally just got around to getting one. I cleared out a portion of my storage room and put in a drying rack. I put up a clear shower curtain and put the dehumidifier inside. Voila! Instant Paperclay kiln!

Now I have no excuse not to have more pieces completed ;) Thanks P.J.!
Dry...it's a good thing!
What we'll we find out next that makes our life easier ..
Great idea! Thanks for sharing it.
What a great idea. I also heard you can use a food dehydrator for small pieces.
What is up with these little pictures??My glasses only magnify so much???
WOW, very cool idea!! Thanks for the tip!!
Yay! Glad to see that you got to it. Did you build the shelf? How fast do they dry now?
Excellent idea!! I will have to try that. I sculpted a few things today that have quite a bit of solid paperclay and was bemoaning the fact that they would take even MORE time to dry. I have no patience with that :). Thanks for sharing!
Great to hear you found a solution that works for you.
Your already so prolific producing, I'm scared!
GREAT tip! '-)
Glad it is working well for you.
Enjoy your weekend!
Chris :-)
What a great idea much better than waiting for a sunny day!:)
What a good idea... I don't do paper clay but I've been thinking about it. Also I have to ask... what's in the pumpkin head in the last photo to the left??? An owl??? I love that black cat in the pumpkin on your website...let me know if you do anymore of those. :)
Theresa - Yes, you are correct - that is an Owl on top of that pumpkin.
I hope to have in done in the next week or so. I'm sure I will post on my blog once he is complete.
There you go...your own drying area!!!
Have a great weekend David!!!
YAY!! thrilled to hear it's working so well for you! Wanna fly to Canada and set me up?
I love owls... thats so cool...can't wait to see it finished. Thanks David :)
fabulous idea david! good for you! yay!
Dehumidifiers are great - we have one in our basement and it makes a big difference. I think it would turn into a swamp if we didn't. :) I don't work in paper clay but I am going to file this info away in case some day I do. :) Have a great weekend!
Good on you! Now take a break and have a Martini!
Thats pretty darn cool David! Good Job! :)
What a wonderful idea!! I LOVE sculpting paperclay accents for my wood pieces, but the drying time is such a drag....Must look into this!
Amazing WIPs!!
~ Carolee
Thats a great idea. I don't have the greatest of patience, thats why I like to use polymor clay. But I might just try that idea. I hate waiting.....LOL
Would not have thought of that, thanks for passing it on! ☺
Yeah! Great looking drying closet, David. So glad it's working for you. I used a small fan in mine, and it does help. PJ
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