Seems like the closer we get to Fall, the faster I work! My productivity really kicks into overdrive when I think about the two big Fall shows coming up that I will be participating in. I suspect it's that "Fight or Flight" thing. Despite the scorching heat, I've managed to get about 20 pieces built in the last week. Actually, I think the heat is helping to dry the clay faster. My walk-in Kiln I built is really working well with this weather. Honestly, when I walk in, the heat and the dehumidifier are working so well together that I almost can't even blink....there is NO moisture to be found! Bad for the eyes, good for the clay!
I'm trying to finish up as many Halloween pieces as I can before I really jump into the Christmas spirit - and considering it's 101˚ in the shade, It's kinda hard to think of Jolly old saint nick when the sweat is rolling down your back."Visions of sugar plums" turns more into "visions of Mojitos!" Anything to beat the heat and keep the creativity flowing.

Despite the weather, I've got lots of ideas for new pieces! I'm really into making owls right now! My friend Robert (
Halloween Fanatic) created a monster when he challenged me to design an Owl. Now I can't stop making them!
I've also got plans for stacked pumpkins, devils, Halloween kitties, and so much more!
Now, excuse me while I get back to getting the Mojitos...um, I mean creativity flowing.